Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime show that features different characters Goku, Super Saiyan, Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Gulma and more. Goku was originally sent to Earth to destroy it but he suffered memory loss and became it’s saviour. He and his warrior team protects Earth from enemies such as magical creatures, intergalactic enemies and more. Click here for more Dragon Ball Z costumes. Below are DBZ Goku costume ideas for adults, kids and children.
DBZ Goku Costume Ideas for Everyone
DBZ Goku Men’s Costume It’s easy to transform into a martial arts hero with this ensemble! Throw the orange shirt over your head and you’re already halfway there! The purple inset is attached so you don’t have to fool around with layers. You’ll enjoy moving around in the loose, elastic waisted pants. Feeling tough is no problem when you’ve got armbands and a sash to show how much you’ve been training. Click here to get Dragon Ball Z Goku Men’s Costume. | Dragon Ball Z Child Goku Costume This officially licensed Dragon Ball Z costume is one that your child will want to wear every day – not just on Halloween. Get your child into the look of his favorite character with our child Goku costume. He costume comes with the signature orange gi top with an attached blue shirt inset. The Goku kanji is in both the front and back of the costume. The matching orange pants have an elastic waist and at the legs for a comfortable fit that will keep your child going all night long. The blue waist sash adds detail to the costume along with the matching blue armbands, which secure with Velcro. The blue boot covers round out the costume and they have elastic bands underfoot for a secure fit. Add our child’s Goku wig to complete the costume and truly make it one to remember this Halloween! Click here to get DBZ Child Goku Costume. |
DBZ Authentic Child’s Goku Costume This officially licensed Dragon Ball Z costume for kids has a look straight from the anime series. It comes with the blue undershirt that Goku always wears, along with the bright orange top and matching pants. The front of the orange top has Goku’s symbol on the front (which loosely translates to the word “wisdom” in English). It also comes with a blue sash with an attached brown satchel for carrying Senzu beans! A pair of wrist cuffs and boot covers are also included to put the finishing polish to the iconic look. Click here to get the Authentic Goku Child’s Costume. | Toddler Goku Costume Licensed from the Dragon Ball Z anime, it’s battle-ready for practicing martial arts and the perfect thing to travel in when your little guy is off on a journey to find wish-granting Dragon Balls! You’re still going to have to help teach him moves well beyond the Kamehameha Wave and Kaio-ken, but in this classic orange fighting outfit, he’ll be ready to take on anything you can throw at him! Click here to get the Dragon Ball Z Toddler Goku Costume. |
Authentic DBZ Goku Men’s Costume This Dragon Ball Z authentic Goku costume comes with everything you need to dress like Universe 7’s most accomplished fighter. The costume comes with a blue undershirt, and has cap sleeves. The orange over-shirt has a v-neck and it even has Goku’s symbol embroidered onto the front and back. The matching orange pants have an elastic band around the waist and stylized ruched along the side seams. The blue sash ties around the waist and even has a small brown pouch attached to it for carrying around your Senzu Beans. The costume also comes with matching blue cuffs that fit around the wrists. The foam boot covers add the finishing touch to the look! Click here to get the Authentic DBZ men’s Goku Costume. | DBZ Child’s Goku Costume Once your child is all dressed up as the one and only Goku, it’ll be up to you to train him to be a strong Z Fighter! Of course, this could be the beginning of your own journey as a martial arts master. You could even dress up like Master Roshi! Click here to get Dragon Ball Z Goku Costume for children. |
DBZ Female Goku Costume The best way we’ve found to match forces with the Saiyans is to match looks. That can be easily achieved thanks to our in-house designers who’ve practically got a timeshare in Namek. With this officially licensed Goku Costume, you can become the hero we all desperately need! This exclusive look includes a cropped jersey shirt as the base and a low-cut orange vest, fitted and sleeveless, to give you Goku’s training dojo look. The matching pants have gathered fabric for a worked out look and the boot covers, belt, and wrist bands match the blue undershirt. Click here to get Dragon Ball Z Costume for Women. | DBZ Adult Goku Wig The good news is, this licensed Dragon Ball Z wig will just give you Goku’s signature look and not his signature Saiyan appetite. Click here to get Dragon Ball Z Goku Wig for Adults. |
Child Goku Wig Put this Child Goku wig on your kid, and start training him to be a master martial artist. Just whatever you do, do not let him look at the full moon while wearing this wig. Click here to get DBZ Child Goku Wig. | DBZ Goku Shades These Dragon Ball Z Goku Shades come straight from his old-school look! Why, you can put these on your face and just imagine the monkey tail coming out of your back. It’s a quick and easy look for anyone trying to cosplay as the one and only Goku. Click here to get DBZ Goku Shades. |